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Monday 14 December 2009

Task 5

I would like to work as a freelance designer at some point in my career.

I would like to form or be part of a collective to have as promotion and produce work collaboratively and exhibit.

With an interest in typography, I want to develop my skills further with type, through editorial work.

Gain editorial experience

To work in the surrounding areas first to form a local client base.

Allow graphic design to become more accessible to more people, targeting smaller organisations.

Work in an agency as part of ideas based production, divising solutions and working within a group.

Take more photographs to exhibit and for more personal experience.

Gain more experience in a professional environment, before completing the degree.

Sunday 13 December 2009

Task 3 How will I promote myself?

1. Personal Selling.

Forming a relationship is key for good business and face to face would be the best with a client to show your interests, enthusiasm and close communication to benefit both yourself and the client. You are more likely to seal a deal when you are physically there, instead of lost emails and messages. This would obviously have disadvantages with it being more time consuming and at times more expensive, although I would prefer to work on a smaller scale, working for clients in the surrounding area so travel costs should be kept at a minimum.

2. Public relations.

Working with local groups and projects is great for promoting, previously producing work for my then local scout group for events and information, I'm currently working on a promotion piece for Leeds Student Radio for a particular radio station. I feel continuing to produce work similar to this will help form a public relationship and promote my work, initially on a smaller scale. Smaller jobs like this are usually pretty quick and boost popularity.

3. Advertising.

recently joining the Behance network has boosted advertising and promotion of myself. keeping work in a controlled environment for potential clients to scroll through.keeping this updated will be useful for progression in work and always available to clients.

4. Promotions.

As this is still a service and not physical products, promotions almost loses credibility for the practice and gives the image that the design is self is worth less than it actually is. The key is to offer something that others can't, wherethe that be making graphic design as a service more accessible for clients and businesses who are unsure or creating a more personal approach.

5. Direct Marketing.

Instead of waiting for clients to contact you, contacting them with what you have to offer. to form a client base and 'get my name out' I've began to offer services to numerous people where I feel I could help. Not in a rude sense, 'I could do that much better' but where work has been attempted by the client themselves and they know its not very good, I try to help to benefit both of us, encouraging the client to then spread the word where they had the work produced.

6. The internet.

Behance, Flickr, facebook, tumblr and twitter, all social networking sites I use to promote my work, design and influences to spread to a wider audience. Using numerous networking sites can inform different groups of users displaying a variety of work. This also allows work to spread easily with 'retweets', reposting messages and favouriting work.

Sunday 1 November 2009

Where are they, how will they find me?

Based on the principles that have been introduced in lecture 2 of the Enterprise module, investigate where your potential clients are located.

Where are my potential clients located?

Who am I? Who are they?

What skills do you have?

Before I+E I was really just working and producing design for myself and the briefs set with no real aim in the future to produce a career from it, I chose the course because I ultimately enjoyed what I was doing and wanted to expand my horizons on what I could produce and learn more techniques and acquire more skills. I would say one of my skills is ideas based production, creative thinking able to put down numerous ideas quickly on large sheets to help portray a direction of what to produce.. but not necessarily be able to always produce them. My skills are also reflected in my interests in design, packaging based and more physical models I enjoy producing, photography within designs (although needs to be refined for designs) aswell as a increasingly strong interest in type layout thanks to the type workshops attended. In my current state, I would probably find freelance work difficult to produce to the standard I would want, working as part of an agency would be my best bet currently, but that doesn't mean I don't want to do freelance work aswell as an agency.